24H Emergency Care
The municipal emergency care service, managed by Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Aparecida, is open 24 hours a day. We offer general clinical and pediatric services, serving patients privately, through health insurance and through the Unified Health System (SUS). Throughout 2024, we will provide high-quality care to approximately 69,000 patients from 26 Brazilian states, including the Federal District.
Given that our location is approximately 2 km from the National Sanctuary of Our Lady of Aparecida, we are always ready to serve both local citizens and pilgrims who may need our services.

Image Center
We have an exceptionally well-equipped diagnostic imaging center staffed by exemplary professionals dedicated to serving the community of Aparecida and its surrounding areas.
We offer a comprehensive range of exams, including Ultrasound, X-rays, Electrocardiograms and CT scans. In 2024 alone, we successfully performed 44,000 exams through our diagnostic imaging center.

Elective Surgeries
We are recognized as a reference in Elective Surgeries throughout the Paraíba Valley and Circuito da Fé, performing Ophthalmological, Orthopedic, Vascular, Otorhinolaryngological, Gynecological and General Surgeries.
We performed more than 4 thousand surgeries in 2024, always prioritizing excellence and safety in each surgical intervention.

Ophthalmological Center
Our ophthalmology center performs more than 19,000 consultations and 56,000 examinations annually, in addition to almost 1,000 ophthalmological surgeries performed each year. In September 2023, we opened the Glaucoma Treatment Center to serve patients in the region who previously had to travel long distances to receive treatment.
Currently, all procedures related to glaucoma treatment are performed at our hospital. Patients now leave the clinic with the treatment protocol started and the medication in hand.
Psychiatric Sector - PAI
Our psychiatric division, known as PAI (Comprehensive Mental Health Care Center), has a complete infrastructure designed to provide comprehensive care to patients who have psychiatric needs, struggle with drug addiction, face mental disorders and experience disorders that require supervision during crises, such as episodes of psychotic break, aiming at their stabilization. The team in charge is composed of psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, nurses, nursing technicians and security professionals.
We have 20 beds that serve individuals of all ages, including men, women and adolescents. In addition, our facilities include a cafeteria, an outdoor patio and a room specially designated for holding therapeutic workshops.
It is important to note that our location within a hospital allows the treatment of patients who have coexisting diseases, offering the convenience of access to all necessary health procedures, from diagnostics to surgeries and intensive support therapies, all in one place.

Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Aparecida
Rua Barão do Rio Branco 470 - Centro
Aparecida - São Paulo BR
Cep: 12570-065
CNPJ: 43.667.179/0001-48
GET IN TOUCH: +55 (12) 3104-5555
Copyright © 2025 Santa Casa de Misericórdia de aparecida - All rights reserved.