The History of Santa Casa de Aparecida
With the recent emancipation of the city of Aparecida, which previously belonged to Guaratinguetá, doctors Antônio da Gama Rodrigues and Salim Félix began the first plans to create a hospital in the city. On May 16, 1929, at the headquarters of the Union of Catholic Youth, located in the Chapel of Penitence, a remarkable meeting took place with the presence of Reverend Father Antão Jorge, vicar of the Basilica (current National Sanctuary), Commander Gabriel Cotti and the Metropolitan Council of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, which at that time was holding a meeting of local Vincentians.
Taking advantage of this meeting, it was proposed that Mr. Benedito Júlio Barreto be in charge of taking the necessary steps to found the Santa Casa de Aparecida. Thus, he assumed the position of the institution's first president.
On May 18, 1930, the first General Assembly was held, in which the provisional board of directors was established. At the time, Father Antão Jorge had in his possession a donation of five thousand réis made by Mr. João Silveiro Escobar, a resident of Arrozal do Piraí, for the start of the hospital's construction. With this initial support, the fundraising for the construction began.
The seventh meeting, held on November 5, 1933, was the first to take place inside the premises under construction. Finally, on December 25, 1935, with the presence of Mr. Domingos Braga Filho, the municipal mayor who represented the then state governor, Armando de Sales Oliveira, and Reverend Father Francisco Wand, vicar of the Basilica, representing Cardinal Dom Sebastião Leme, the Santa Casa de Aparecida was officially inaugurated.
Important Milestones in Our History
December 25, 1945 – Installation of the maternity ward, marking the 10th anniversary of Santa Casa.
January 10, 1955 – Inauguration of the entrance hall.
December 10, 1957 – Donation from the Jânio da Silva Quadros government, enabling the assembly of the first surgical room equipped with portable X-ray. At that time, with support from the Nossa Senhora Aparecida Paper Factory and funds raised through a television raffle, the first ambulance was purchased.
January 12, 1958 – Construction of the hospital's traditional entrance ramp.
June 23, 1960 – Presentation of plans to expand the building.
August 1, 1960 – Donation from Governor Carlos Alberto de Carvalho Pinto for the creation of the outpatient clinic. At that same meeting, the City Council declared Santa Casa an entity of municipal public utility, with a decree immediately signed by Mayor Solon Pereira.
January 13, 1963 – Recognition of Santa Casa as a state public utility entity.
January 9, 1966 – Installation of the laboratory and blood bank.
1970 – Implementation of the oxygen network.
July 20, 1972 – Decree 70.854 declares Santa Casa de Aparecida as a federal public utility entity, signed by the President of the Republic, General Emílio Garrastazu Médici.
1976 – Construction of a new pediatric wing.
1981 – Receipt of five million and five hundred thousand cruzeiros for the creation of the ICU.
Our Evolution
The history of Santa Casa de Aparecida is extensive and full of challenges and achievements. Since its inception, this institution has reflected the efforts of countless people who fought to make it a reality. Employees, patients, and family members are part of this journey and continue to build the future of this healthcare facility.
Over the years, many improvements have been made to our physical structure, but one thing remains unchanged: the strength of people to keep our mission of caring for the population alive. Our location in the Marian capital of faith, which receives nine million faithful per year, makes us a reference hospital for patients from all over Brazil.
Modernization has also reached our hospital. In 2022, we inaugurated our CT scanner, providing more accurate diagnoses. In September 2023, we opened the Glaucoma Treatment Center, within our Ophthalmology Center, benefiting patients from 17 municipalities.
Our Surgical Center, opened in 1957, now performs more than 4,000 elective surgeries annually, reinforcing our relevance in providing healthcare to the population. New wings have been created, improvements continue to be implemented and, as in the past, the community continues to unite to strengthen our structure.
A New Chapter: Revitalization
Since the founding of Santa Casa, challenges have always been present, but God's providence has never failed us. With the arrival of the Franciscans in 2003, we experienced a time of restructuring and renewal. The support and dedication of the Friars were essential for us to overcome difficulties and continue offering assistance to those in need.
Today, we have 320 employees, who represent not only our workforce, but 320 families who depend on this institution.
Time has passed, and our walls are no longer as strong as they once were. Some wings show signs of wear and tear, but, just like in 1930, there are people willing to fight for improvements.
Now, a new chapter in our history is about to be written. The revitalization of Santa Casa de Aparecida is here to further strengthen our commitment to health, ensuring humanized and quality care for all who need it.
We are all Santa Casa de Aparecida!
Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Aparecida
Rua Barão do Rio Branco 470 - Centro
Aparecida - São Paulo BR
Cep: 12570-065
CNPJ: 43.667.179/0001-48
GET IN TOUCH: +55 (12) 3104-5555
Copyright © 2025 Santa Casa de Misericórdia de aparecida - All rights reserved.