Donations to the Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Aparecida can be made via water bill, in accordance with Municipal Law No. 2971/99 - November 23, 1999.

Donations are optional, with no minimum or maximum amount, and are duly identified on the water bill, according to the donor's choice.

There are three ways to join:

1 - Go to Santa Casa de Aparecida and fill out the membership form available at the Central reception (R. Barão do Rio Branco, 470 - Centro, Aparecida - SP, 12570-000)

2 - Go to SAAE and fill out the membership form (Praça São Benedito, nº 13 – Galeria Box 6,-Centro, Aparecida – SP, 12570-000)

3 - FILL OUT THE ELECTRONIC FORM, stating the amount of the donation and authorizing the monthly charge through your water bill.

The donor must be a resident of Aparecia, a user of SAAE and have personal documents in hand (ID and CPF/CNPJ or CNH).

The donation may be revoked at any time, upon request via a Cancellation Form.

Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Aparecida

R. Barão do Rio Branco, 470 - Centro, Aparecida - SP, 12570-000

Telefone: (12)3104-5555 – Setor de Comunicação