The Pastoral Care of Health is the entire action of the people of God committed to welcoming, promoting, caring for, educating, defending and celebrating human life. It is the liberating action of Christ present in the world in the area of health, in three dimensions: solidarity, community and social transformation.
Care for the sick as a Pastoral Care in Brazil had a look of hope in 1922 with the arrival of three Camillian religious.
The Pastoral Care of Health was understood in Aparecida (2007) as being, “the answer to the great questions of life, such as suffering and death, in the light of the death and resurrection of the Lord” and, it strives to evangelize with renewed missionary zeal in the world of health, and contribute to the construction of a just and supportive society, in the service of life.
The Pastoral Care of Health takes place in homes, hospitals, nursing homes, daycare centers, schools, neighborhood associations, unions, health councils, that is, in every place that cares about health.
The Santa Casa de Aparecida has health pastoral agents who visit our sick every day, being a sign of hope and God's care.
Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Aparecida
Rua Barão do Rio Branco 470 - Centro
Aparecida - São Paulo BR
Cep: 12570-065
CNPJ: 43.667.179/0001-48
GET IN TOUCH: +55 (12) 3104-5555
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